
I adjective adaptable, adjustable, bendable, bending, capable of conforming to new situations, capable of responding to changing situations, disposed to yield, ductile, easily bent, easily managed, elastic, facilis, flexibilis, flexile, formable, lentus, limber, lissome, lithe, malleable, manageable, moldable, plastic, pliable, pliant, responsive, responsive to change, soft, stretchable, supple, tractable, unexacting, unstrict, waxen, wieldy, willing to yield to influence of others, willowy, yielding II index amenable, deft, facile, liberal (broad minded), malleable, open (persuasible), passive, pliable, pliant, receptive, resilient, sequacious, suasible, susceptible (responsive), tractable, yielding

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006