
I (manage) verb administer, be master of, command, conduct, control, deal with, direct, dominate, execute, exercise authority, exercise direction over, exeicise power over, exert authority, govern, guide, have authority, have charge of, have the care of, have the direction of, have under control, hold authority, keep in order, keep order, keep under control, look after, manipulate, officiate, operate, possess authority, preside over, regulate, reign over, rule, see to, superintend, supervise, use, wield, wield authority II (trade) verb auction, barter, bring to market, carry, carry on a trade, carry on business, carry on commerce, carry on negotiations, chaffer, conduct business, deal in, do business, drive a bargain, effect a sale, exchange, exchange in commerce, have commerce, have for sale, hawk, interchange, make a bargain, make a sale, market, merchandise, offer for sale, peddle, put up for sale, sell, sell at the market, trade, trade in, traffic in, transact business, vend III index administer (conduct), conduct, control (regulate), deal, manage, manipulate (utilize skillfully), militate, operate, oversee, ply, regulate (manage), sell, superintend, treat (process), wield

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006