
I (enforce) verb bid, bind, burden, charge, coerce, command, compel, conscript, constrain, decree, demand, dictate, direct, drive, enact, encumber, enjoin, exact, execute, extort, force upon, impel, imponere, iniungere, insist upon, lay upon, leave no option, make, make obligatory, necessitate, oblige, obtain by force, ordain, order, prescribe, press, put in force, require, require compliance, tax associated concepts: impose by law II (intrude) verb encroach, enter unlawfully, entrench, force an entrance, force oneself in, impose, infringe, insinuate, intercede, interfere, interlope, interpose, intervene, invade, obtrude, overreach, overstep, poach, thrust oneself in, transgress, trespass, violate III (subject) verb bring under rule, coerce, compel, constrain, control, domineer, effect, enslave, force, make submissive, master, oblige, overcome, require, subdue, subject to authority, subject to control, subject to dependence, subject to influence, subjugate, subordinate IV index bind (obligate), charge (assess), coerce, command, compel, constrain (compel), decree, demand, detail (assign), encumber (hinder), enforce, enjoin, exact, foist, force (coerce), impinge, impose (intrude), inflict, infringe, insist, intrude, levy, necessitate, obtrude, order, perpetrate, prescribe, press (constrain), require (compel)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006