
I (affect deeply) verb absorb, amaze, arouse, astound, awe, electrify, galvanize, have a strong effect, hit, influence, inspire, intrigue, make an impact upon, make an impression on, move, move strongly, movere, penetrate, pierce, reach, rouse, smite, stir, strike, strike hard, strike home, stun, touch II (procure by force) verb acquire, appropriate, arrogate, attach, deprive, disentitle, disseise, expropriate, garnish, impound, impropriate, levy, seize, sequester, sequestrate, take, take possession of III index abduct, affect, attach (seize), brand, brand (mark), capture, coerce, confiscate, convince, copy, distrain, distress (seizure), dwell (linger over), embed, hijack, hold up (rob), inculcate, induct, influence, kidnap, overwhelm, persuade, reach, seize (confiscate), sequester (seize property), specialty (distinctive mark), stamp

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