
I (defeat) verb abolish, abrogate, annul, arrest, beat, block, cancel, check, conficere, counteract, crush, destroy, devitalize, dispatch, extinguish, interficere, invalidate, nullify, overthrow, overturn, prevail over, put down, quash, quell, repress, repulse, revoke, squash, stop, surmount, thwart, triumph, trucidare, upset, vanquish associated concepts: kill a legislative bill II (murder) verb assassinate, conficere, deprive of life, destroy, dispatch, execute, exterminate, injure fatally, interficere, liquidate, massacre, occidere, put to death, slaughter, slay, smite associated concepts: deliberate killing, intent to kill, justifiable killing, malicious killing, premeditated killing III index destroy (efface), dispatch (put to death), eliminate (eradicate), execute (sentence to death), extinguish, prey, remove (eliminate), repress, slay, stifle

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