
I verb abide by, accede, accept, accommodate, acquiesce, act in accordance with orders, act on, adhere to, agree, answer to, assent, attend to, attend to orders, be devoted to, be faithful to, be governed by, be guided by, be loyal to, be obedient, be regulated by, be subject, behave, bend to, be ruled by, bow to, carry out, come at call, comply, conform, consent, defer to, do the will of, execute, fall in with, follow, follow orders, fulfill, fulfill the commands of, give allegiance to, give way, heed, humble oneself to, keep, kneel to, listen, live by, mind, oboedire, obsequi, observe, parere, perform, please, respect, respond, satisfy, serve, submit, succumb, surrender, take orders, yield foreign phrases:
- Ejus nulla culpa est cui parere necesse sit. — No guilt attaches to a person who is compelled to obey
II index abide, accede (concede), adhere (maintain loyalty), bear (tolerate), comply, conform, fulfill, hear (give attention to), heed, observe (obey), pander, submit (yield), surrender (yield), yield (submit)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006