
I noun antinomy, challenge, conflict, confutation, contention, contrariety, contrary action, contravention, counteraction, counterattack, counterplot, counterworking, denial, disagreement, disapprobation, disapproval, dissension, enmity, impugnation, impugnment, interference, objection, oppugnancy, oppugnation, protest, protestation, recalcitration, refutation, remonstrance, remonstration, resistance, running counter to, struggle, traversal, want of harmony II index antipode, antithesis, argument (contention), belligerency, check (bar), collision (dispute), competition, condemnation (blame), conflict, confrontation (altercation), contender, contest (competition), contest (dispute), contestant, contradiction, contradistinction, contraposition, contrary, contravention, controversy (argument), counterargument, criticism, defiance, deterrence, deterrent, difference, disaccord, disagreement, disapprobation, disapproval, discord, dispute, dissatisfaction, dissent (difference of opinion), dissent (nonconcurrence), dissidence, division (act of dividing), exception (objection), feud, ill will, impediment, impugnation, incompatibility (difference), mutiny, negation, objection, offset, opponent, outcry, protest, rebellion, rebuff, rejection, remonstrance, restraint, revolt, rival, strife, struggle, variance (disagreement)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006