
I (covertly place) verb bury, cache, camouflage, cloak, cover up, disguise, hide away, keep clandestine, keep hidden, keep secret, mantle, mask, obscure, put in concealment, put out of sight, render invisible, screen, secrete, shade, shroud, veil, wrap associated concepts: entrapment II (place firmly) verb base, bed, deposit, embed, engraft, ensconce, establish, fix, ground, implant, impregnate, infix, inject, inlay, insert, inset, install, instill, lay the foundation, locate, make a place for, place, put, root, set, set firmly, set up, settle, situate, sow, station, stick in, thrust in III index deposit (place), embed, engender, establish (entrench), fix (make firm), frame up, inculcate, initiate, inseminate, insertion, instate, repose (place)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006