
I noun affectation, alibi, alleged purpose, alleged reason, camouflage, charade, claim, cover, deception, defense, disguise, evasion, excuse, fabrication, false appearance, false ground, false motive, false pretense, false reason, false show, falsification, feint, fraud, guise, insincerity, invention, justification, lie, make-believe, mask, misrepresentation, misstatement, obfuscation, ostensible motive, ostensible purpose, ostensible reason, praetextum, pretense, pretension, professed purpose, profession, ruse, semblance, sham, shift, show, simulatio, simulation, species, stratagem, subterfuge, trick, trickery, untruth, wile foreign phrases:
- Praetextu liciti non debet admftti illicitum. — That which is illegal ought not to be permitted under a pretext of legality.
II index artifice, bad faith, color (deceptive appearance), deception, disguise, evasion, excuse, false pretense, falsehood, ruse, stratagem, subterfuge

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006