
I (renew) verb ameliorate, amend, correct, cure, doctor up, energize, fix, heal, improve, make better, make whole, meliorate, mend, patch, patch up, put in order, put in repair, put right, reanimate, rearrange, rebuild, recondition, reconstitute, reconstruct, recreate, rectify, redintegrate, redo, refashion, refit, reform, refresh, regenerate, rehabilitate, reinvigorate, rejuvenate, remake, remedy, remodel, renovate, reorganize, repair, restitute, resuscitate, retouch, revive, revivify II (return) verb atone, bring back, give back, hand back, indemnify, make amends, make good, make reparation, make restitution, put back, recompense, recoup, reddere, redeem, redress, reestablish, referre, refund, reimburse, reinstall, reinstate, reinvest with, remit, render up, repay, replace, revest, satisfy, send back associated concepts: restore to one's former position, restored to possession foreign phrases:
- Reddere, nil allud est quam acceptum restituere; seu, reddere est quasi retro dare, et reddltur dicttura redeundo, quia retro it. — To render is nothing more than to restore that which has been received; or, to render is as it were to give back, and it is called "rendering" from "returning", because it goes back again.
III index bear (yield), bestow, continue (resume), contribute (indemnify), cure, emend, fix (repair), indemnify, meliorate, quit (repay), rebate, reconstitute, reconstruct, recoup (reimburse), recreate, rectify, redress, reform, refund, rehabilitate, reimburse, reinstate, remand, remedy, renew (refurbish), renovate, repair, repay, resurrect, return (refund), surrender (give back)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006