
I noun arrangement, artificium, classification, design, formula, logical process, manner, means, method, mode of management, operation, order, orderliness, orderly combination, organization, pattern, plan, policy, practice, procedure, process, program, recipe, regime, regimen, regularity, routine, scheme, settled procedure, state of order, strategy, technique, way associated concepts: commercial system, governmental system, judicial system, legal system, retirement system II index arrangement (plan), array (order), avenue (means of attainment), bureaucracy, codification, complex (development), course, device (contrivance), doctrine, form (arrangement), hierarchy (arrangement in a series), institute, means (opportunity), method, mode, modus operandi, order (arrangement), practice (procedure), procedure, process (course), program, rule (guide), scheme, strategy, usage

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006