
I adjective accessible, baseless, controvertible, defenseless, erroneous, exposed, fallacious, false, faulty, groundless, hollow, illogical, implausible, incapable of being defended, incapable of being held, incapable of being maintained, incorrect, indefensible, insupportable, invalid, irrational, powerless, pregnable, questionable, refutable, ridiculous, specious, undefended, undemonstrable, unfortified, unguarded, unjustifiable, unmaintainable, unprotected, unreasonable, unsound, unsustainable, unwarrantable, vincible, vulnerable, weak, wrong II index baseless, disabled (deprived of legal right), doubtful, helpless (defenseless), ill-founded, illogical, implausible, inadequate, indefensible, insubstantial, invalid, ludicrous, nonsubstantial (not sturdy), sophistic, unbelievable, unfounded, unreasonable, unsound (fallacious), unsupported, unsustainable, vulnerable

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