
act 1 n
1 a: something done by a person in accordance with his or her free will
a tortious act see also actus reus
b: the failure to do something that one has a legal duty to do – called also negative act;
2 a often cap: the formal product of a legislative body: the formally declared will of a legislature the final requirement of which is usu. the signature of the proper executive officer: statute
an act of Congress
b: a decision or determination of a sovereign, a legislative council, or a court of justice compare bill 1
3 often cap: a formal record of something done or transacted
given as my free act and deed
matters of procedure are provided for in that ActFederal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 81(a)(6)
act 2 vi
1: to carry into effect a determination of the will: take action
2: to discharge the duties of a specified office or post: perform a specified function
— used with a prepositional phrase
declaring what officer shall then act as PresidentU.S. Constitution art. II
3: to give a decision or award (as by vote of a deliberative body or by judicial decree)
— often used with on
adjourned with several important matters still not act ed on
ac·tor /'ak-tər/ n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.