
I noun adherence, adherence to duty, attachment, bounden duty, call of duty, case of conscience, commitment, constancy, deference, devotedness, devotion, duteousness, dutifulness, faith, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, fides, homage, imperative duty, inescapable duty, loyalty, matter of duty, moral obligation, obedience, obligation, obsequiousness, observance, observance of obligation, onus, pledge, promise, responsibility, sense of duty, steadfastness, subjection, submission, subordination, support, trueness foreign phrases:
- Nemo patriam in qua natus est exuere, nec ligeantiae debitum ejurare possit. — No man can renounce his native country nor adjure his obligation of allegiance
- Ligeantia est quasi legis essentia; est vinculum fidei. — Allegiance is the essence of law; it is the bond of faith
II index adherence (devotion), adhesion (loyalty), charge (responsibility), commitment (responsibility), duty (obligation), faith, fealty, fidelity, homage, loyalty, nationality

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006