
Trinity Lane
   Seems to be used to denote what is now designated "Little Trinity Lane" (q.v.) (Hatton, 1708), sometimes " Great Trinity Lane" (q.v.) (S. 354). In Queenhithe Ward, and See below.
   First mention: 55 H. III. (Anc. Deeds, C. 1910).
   Other names: " Le Trinite Lane," 6 Ed. III. (ib. A. 2531). " Trinite Lane," 1361: (Ct. H.W. II. 48). "Holy Trinity Lane," 1340 (Cal. P.R. Ed. III. 1338-40, p.545). In former times it extended north into Bread Street and Cordwainer Wards.
   These entries relate to " Little Trinity Lane."
   "Trinitie Lane" in Bread Street and " Knyhtryderstreete" in parish of St. Mildred in Breadstreete, 1594-5 (Ct. H.W. II. 722) = Knightrider Street Great Trinity Lane (q.v.).
   In the course of excavations for making a sewer portions of immense walls were discevered, with layers of bond-tiles and remains of fresco paintings.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.