
Turnebase Lane
   From opposite the west gate of the Tower Royal, extending west to Cordwainer Street (the present Bow Lane) (S. 252). In the parishes of St. Mary Aldermary and St. Thomas Apostles.
   Earliest mention: " Tornebaston lane," 1328 (Ct. H.W. I. 341).
   Other forms : " Tornebastoneslane," 1329 (ib. 352). " Turnebastonlane," 1337 (ib. 421). " Thornbastoneslane," 1403 (Grant quoted in Watney, 281). " Turnebast lane," 1436-7 (ib. II. 481). "Turnesbaslane," 1558 and 1568 (Lond. I. p.m. II. 106).
   On or near the line of the present Cannon Street.

A Dictionary of London. . 1918.