
1. [NA] In human anatomy, denoting the front surface of the body; often used to indicate the position of one structure relative to another, i.e., situated nearer the front part of the body. SYN: ventral (2) [TA], ventralis [TA]. 2. Near the head or rostral end of certain embryos. 3. Undesirable and confusing substitute for cranial in quadrupeds. In veterinary anatomy, a. is restricted to parts of the eye and inner ear. 4. Before, in relation to time or space. [L.]

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an·te·ri·or an-'tir-ē-ər adj
1) relating to or situated near or toward the head or toward the part in headless animals most nearly corresponding to the head
2) situated toward the front of the body: VENTRAL used in human anatomy because of the upright posture of humans
an·te·ri·or·ly adv

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1. describing or relating to the front (ventral) portion of the body or limbs.
2. describing the front part of any organ. For example, the anterior chamber of the eye is that part of the eye between the cornea and the lens, which is filled with aqueous humour.

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an·te·ri·or (an-tērґe-ər) [L. “before”] 1. situated in front of or in the forward part of an organ. 2. [TA] in humans and other bipeds, toward the belly surface of the body; called also ventral. 3. in quadruped anatomy, a term sometimes used as a synonym for cranial.

Medical dictionary. 2011.