A projection of the cartilage of the auricle, in front of the tail of the helix, just above the lobule, and posterior to the tragus from which it is separated by the intertragic notch. [G. anti-tragos, the eminence of the external ear, fr. anti, opposite, + tragos, a goat, the tragus]
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an·ti·tra·gus -'trā-gəs n, pl -gi -.jī, -.gī a prominence on the lower posterior portion of the concha of the external ear opposite the tragus
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an·ti·tra·gus (an″te-traґgəs) [anti- + tragus] [TA] a projection opposite the tragus, bounding the cavitas conchae posteroinferiorly and continuous above with the antihelix.Medical dictionary. 2011.