
Pertaining to a bulb, in medicine any rounded mass of tissue (that is shaped somewhat like a crocus or tulip bulb). For example, the bulbar conjunctiva is that part of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane of the eye, which covers the outer rounded surface of the eye. Bulbar can also apply to a rounded enlargement.
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1. Relating to a bulb. 2. Relating to the rhombencephalon (hindbrain). 3. Bulb-shaped; resembling a bulb.

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bul·bar 'bəl-bər, -.bär adj of or relating to a bulb specif involving the medulla oblongata

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1. relating to or affecting the medulla oblongata.
2. relating to a bulb.
3. relating to the eyeball.

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bul·bar (bulґbər) 1. pertaining to a bulb; called also bulbous. 2. pertaining to or involving the medulla oblongata.

Medical dictionary. 2011.