
Inflammation of the arachnoid membrane often with involvement of the subjacent subarachnoid space. SEE ALSO: leptomeningitis. [arachnoidea + -itis, inflammation]
- adhesive a. thickening of the leptomeninges, sometimes with obliteration of the subarachnoid space; commonly related to acute or chronic leptomeningitis of bacterial or chemical origin. SEE ALSO: leptomeningeal fibrosis. SYN: obliterative a..
- neoplastic a. SYN: neoplastic meningitis.
- obliterative a. SYN: adhesive a..

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arach·noid·itis ə-.rak-.nȯid-'īt-əs n inflammation of the arachnoid membrane

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an inflammatory process causing thickening and scarring (fibrosis) of the membranous linings (meninges) of the spinal canal. The resulting entrapment of nerve roots may result in weakness, pain, and numbness in the affected area. The condition may result from infection of the meninges, surgery, or as a response to the oil-based dyes previously used in myelography. The reaction to myelography is prevented by the current use of water-soluble dyes.

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arach·noid·i·tis (ə-rak″noid-iґtis) [arachnoid + -itis] inflammation of the arachnoidea mater; called also arachnitis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.