1. Incorporation of digested materials from food into the tissues. 2. Amalgamation and modification of newly perceived information and experiences into the existing cognitive structure. [L. as-similo, pp. -atus, to make alike]
- ammonia a. the utilization of ammonia (or ammonium ions) in the net synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules, e.g., glutamine synthetase. SYN: ammonia fixation.
- reproductive a. in sensorimotor theory, an active cognitive process by which past experience is applied to novel situations.
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as·sim·i·la·tion ə-.sim-ə-'lā-shən n
1 a) an act, process, or instance of assimilating
b) the state of being assimilated
2) the incorporation or conversion of nutrients into protoplasm that in animals follows digestion and absorption and in higher plants involves both photosynthesis and root absorption
3) the process of receiving new facts or of responding to new situations in conformity with what is already available to consciousness compare APPERCEPTION
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the process by which food substances are taken into the cells of the body after they have been digested and absorbed.
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as·sim·i·la·tion (ə-sim″ĭ-laґshən) [L. assimilatio, from ad to + similare to make like] 1. in psychology, the absorption of new experiences into the existing psychological make-up. Called also integration. 2. anabolism.Medical dictionary. 2011.