
1. SYN: autogenetic, autologous. 2. Originating within the body, applied to vaccines prepared from bacteria or other cells obtained from the affected person. Cf.:endogenous. [G. autogenes, self-produced]

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au·tog·e·nous ȯ-'täj-ə-nəs adj
1) produced independently of external influence or aid: ENDOGENOUS
2) orginating or derived from sources within the same individual <an \autogenous graft> <\autogenous vaccine>
3) not requiring a meal of blood to produce eggs <\autogenous mosquitoes>
au·tog·e·nous·ly adv
au·tog·e·ny ȯ-'täj-ə-nē n, pl -nies

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originating within the body of the patient. For example, an autogenous vein graft, to bypass a blocked artery, is made from material derived from the body of the patient receiving the graft.

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au·tog·e·nous (aw-tojґə-nəs) [auto- + -genous] autologous.

Medical dictionary. 2011.