
benzoic acid
Occurs naturally in gum benzoin; it is used as a food preservative, locally as a fungistatic, and orally as an antiseptic. It is excreted rapidly as hippuric acid. SYN: benzoyl hydrate, flowers of benzoin.

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ben·zo·ic acid ben-.zō-ik- n a white crystalline acid C6H6O2 found naturally (as in benzoin or in cranberries) or made synthetically and used esp. as a preservative of foods, in medicine, and in organic synthesis

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an antiseptic, active against fungi and bacteria, used as a preservative in foods and pharmaceutical preparations, as well as for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin.

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ben·zo·ic ac·id (ben-zoґik) [USP] benzenecarboxylic acid, a fungistatic compound used as a pharmaceutical and food preservative; it is conjugated to glycine in the liver and excreted as hippuric acid. See also benzoic and salicylic acids ointment, under ointment.

Medical dictionary. 2011.