
See Northern b. analysis, Southern b. analysis, Western b. analysis, zoo b. analysis.
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Bimodality Lung Oncology Trial; British Library of Tape

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blot 'blät n a nitrocellulose sheet that contains spots of immobilized macromolecules (as of DNA, RNA, or protein) or their fragments and that is used to identify specific components of the spots by applying a suitable molecular probe (as a complementary nucleic acid or a radiolabeled antibody) see NORTHERN BLOT, SOUTHERN BLOT, WESTERN BLOT
blot vt

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(blot) 1. to transfer ionic solutes, such as DNA, RNA, or proteins, onto a membrane, filter, treated paper, or other immobilizing matrix for analysis, often after first using electrophoresis to separate fragments of different size. Transfer is often by capillary action, but may be expedited by application of electricity (electroblot) or a vacuum. 2. the matrix containing the transferred material.

Medical dictionary. 2011.