An instrument made of some flexible material, such as bristles, attached to a handle or to the tip of a catheter. [A.S. byrst, bristle]
- Ayre b. a device, consisting of a long flexible tube with a b. at the distal end, for collecting gastric mucosal cells in cancer detection studies; after positioning in the stomach the b. is rotated and “sweeps” cells from the mucosa.
- bronchoscopic b. a small b. for insertion through a bronchoscope to wipe off cells for microscopic identification in suspected bronchial carcinoma and in obtaining microbiologic material for staining and culture.
- denture b. a b. used to clean removable dentures.
- Haidinger brushes the perception of two dark yellowish brushes or sheaves radiating about 5 degrees from the point of fixation when an evenly illuminated surface, such as the blue sky, is viewed through a polarizing lens.
- Kruse b. a bunch of fine platinum wires attached to a holder; used in bacteriological work to spread material over the surface of a culture medium.
- polishing b. a b. usually mounted in a rotating instrument, used to polish teeth or artificial replacements.
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(brush) tufts of bristles, hair, or other flexible materials set into a handle.Medical dictionary. 2011.