A condition resulting from widespread dissemination of carcinoma in multiple sites in various organs or tissues of the body; sometimes also used in relation to involvement of a relatively large region of the body.
- leptomeningeal c. SYN: meningeal carcinoma.
- lymphangitic c. a condition in which lymph vessels are filled with tumor cells or blocked by tumor cells.
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car·ci·no·ma·to·sis -.ō-mə-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz a condition in which multiple carcinomas develop simultaneously usu. after dissemination from a primary source
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carcinoma that has spread widely throughout the body. Spread of the cancer cells occurs via the lymphatic channels and bloodstream and across body cavities, for example the peritoneal cavity.
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car·ci·no·ma·to·sis (kahr″sĭ-no-mə-toґsis) the condition of widespread dissemination of cancer throughout the body.Medical dictionary. 2011.