
A pre-digested, acidified mass of food that passes from the stomach into the small intestine.
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The semifluid mass of partly digested food passed from the stomach into the duodenum. SYN: pulp (3) [TA], chymus. [G. chymos, juice]

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chyme 'kīm n the semifluid mass of partly digested food expelled by the stomach into the duodenum
chy·mous 'kī-məs adj

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the semiliquid acid mass that is the form in which food passes from the stomach to the small intestine. It is produced by the action of gastric juice and the churning movements of the stomach.

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(kīm) [Gr. chymos juice] the semifluid, homogeneous, creamy or gruellike material produced by digestion of food in the stomach; called also chymus. chymous adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.