
1. The completion of a reflex pathway. 2. The place of coupling between stimuli in the establishment of conditioned learning. 3. To achieve or experience a sense of completion in a mental task.
- flask c. in dentistry, the procedure of bringing the two halves or parts of a flask together; trial flask closures are preliminary closures made to eliminate excess denture-base material and to ensure that the mold is completely filled; the final flask c. is the last c. of a flask before curing, following trial packing of the mold with denture-base material.
- velopharyngeal c. the apposition of the velum (soft palate) and the upper pharyngeal walls as in deglutition and in some speech sounds.

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clo·sure 'klō-zhər n
1 a) an act of closing up or condition of being closed up <\closure of the eyelids> <early \closure of fontanels and sutures (W. A. D. Anderson)>
b) a drawing together of edges or parts to form a united integument <wound \closure by suture immediately after laceration>
2) a cap, lid, or stopper for sealing a container (as a serum vial)
3) the perception of incomplete figures or situations as though complete by ignoring the missing parts or by compensating for them by projection based on past experience
4) an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality <therapy brought \closure to the victim's family>

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clo·sure (kloґzhər) 1. occlusion (def. 2). 2. obstruction.

Medical dictionary. 2011.