
1. An abstract idea or notion. 2. An explanatory variable or principle in a scientific system. SYN: conception (1). [L. conceptum, something understood, pp. ntr. of concipio, to receive, apprehend]
- no-threshold c. that the biologic effect of radiation is proportional to dose, even for minutely small doses.
- self-c. an individual's sense of self, including self-definition in the various social roles one enacts, including assessment of one's own status with respect to a single trait or to many human dimensions, using societal or personal norms as criteria.

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con·cept 'kän-.sept n
1) something conceived in the mind
2) an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances

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con·cept (konґsept) the image of a thing as held in the mind.

Medical dictionary. 2011.