1. (kon-trakt′)To shorten; to become reduced in size; in the case of muscle, either to shorten or to undergo an increase in tension. 2. (kon-trakt′)To acquire by contagion or infection. 3. (kon′trakt)An explicit bilateral commitment by psychotherapist and patient to a defined course of action to attain the goal of the psychotherapy. [L. con-traho, pp. -tractus, to draw together]
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con·tract kən-'traktalso 'kän-.trakt vt
1) to become affected with <\contract pneumonia>
2) to reduce to smaller size by or as if by squeezing or drawing together <treatment...inhibits spindle formation and \contracts chromosomes (Ernst Mayr)>
3) of a muscle or muscle fiber to cause to undergo contraction esp to cause to shorten and thicken vi
1) to draw together so as to become diminished in size
2) of a muscle or muscle fiber to undergo contraction esp to shorten and thicken
con·tract·ible kən-'trak-tə-bəl, 'kän-. adj
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con·tract (kən-traktґ) [L. contractus, from contrahere to draw together] 1. to reduce in size or shorten. 2. in muscle physiology, to become activated and generate force; such a process does not necessarily result in the shortening of the muscle. See subentries under contraction. 3. to acquire or incur.
Isotonic (A) and isometric (B) contraction.
Medical dictionary. 2011.