
Denoting the manner of a contrafissura, as in the skull, at a point opposite that at which the blow was received. SEE ALSO: c. injury of brain. [Fr. counter-blow]

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con·tre·coup 'kōn-trə-.kü, 'kän- n injury (as when the brain strikes the skull) occurring on the side of an organ opposite to the side on which a blow or impact is received compare coup

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injury of a part resulting from a blow on its opposite side. This may happen, for example, if a blow on the back of the head causes the front of the brain to be pushed against the inner surface of the skull.

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con·tre·coup (kōn″trə-kooґ) [Fr. “counterblow”] injury resulting from a blow on another site, especially of the brain, such as a fracture by contrecoup of the skull or a contrecoup contusion.

Medical dictionary. 2011.