
1. SYN: transmutation. 2. An unconscious defense mechanism by which the anxiety which stems from an unconscious conflict is converted and expressed symbolically as a physical symptom; transformation of an emotion into a physical manifestation, as in c. hysteria. See c. hysteria. 3. In virology, the acquisition by bacteria of a new property associated with presence of a prophage. SEE ALSO: lysogeny. [L. con-verto, pp. -versus, to turn around, to change]

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con·ver·sion kən-'vər-zhən, -shən n
1) the transformation of an unconscious mental conflict into a symbolically equivalent bodily symptom

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(in psychiatry) the expression of conflict as physical symptoms. Psychoanalysts believe that the repressed instinctual drive is manifested as motor or sensory loss, such as paralysis, rather than as speech or action. This is thought to be one of the ways in which conversion disorder is produced.

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con·ver·sion (kən-vurґzhən) [con- + version] 1. a shift from one form or state to another. 2. a type of defense mechanism in which the anxiety coming from intrapsychic conflict is converted and expressed in a symbolic somatic manifestation; see conversion disorder, under disorder.

Medical dictionary. 2011.