
1. Resembling a crystal, or being such. 2. A body that in solution can pass through a semipermeable membrane, as distinguished from a colloid, which cannot do so.
- Charcot-Böttcher crystalloids spindle-shaped crystalloids 10–25 μm long, found in human Sertoli cells.
- Reinke crystalloids rod-shaped crystal-like structures with pointed or rounded ends present in the interstitial cells of the testis (Leydig cells) and ovary.

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crys·tal·loid 'kris-tə-.lȯid n
1) a substance that forms a true solution and is capable of being crystallized
2) a particle of protein that has the properties of crystal and is found esp. in oily seeds
crystalloid or crys·tal·loi·dal .kris-tə-'lȯid-əl adj

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crys·tal·loid (krisґtə-loid) [crystal + -oid] 1. resembling a crystal. 2. a substance smaller than a colloid, in solution passing readily through semipermeable membranes, lowering the freezing point of the solvent containing it, and generally capable of being crystallized. Cf. colloid (def. 2).

Medical dictionary. 2011.