1. A moving to one side. 2. In the electrocardiogram, a deviation of the curve from the isoelectric base line; any wave or complex of the electrocardiogram. [L. de-flecto, pp. -flexus, to bend aside]
- intrinsic d. with the electrode in direct contact with the muscle fiber, a rapid downward d. from the peak of latest positivity, signifying that the activation front has reached the subjacent muscle.
- intrinsicoid d. the abrupt downstroke from latest positivity when the electrode is placed not directly on the muscle but at a distance, as in the unipolar chest leads in clinical electrocardiography.
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de·flec·tion di-'flek-shən n
1) a turning aside or deviation from a straight line
2) the departure of an indicator or pointer from the zero reading on the scale of an instrument
de·flect di-'flekt vb
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de·flec·tion (de-flekґshən) [L. deflectere to turn away] 1. deviation or movement from a straight line or given course. 2. in electrocardiography, any of the deviations from baseline, measured as the waves or complexes of the recording.Medical dictionary. 2011.