
1. A small body with a form similar to that of a half-moon or a crescent. 2. Term frequently used for the gametocyte of Plasmodium falciparum. [Fr. half-moon]
- Giannuzzi demilunes SYN: serous demilunes.
- Heidenhain demilunes SYN: serous demilunes.
- serous demilunes the serous cells at the distal end of a mucous, tubuloalveolar secretory unit of certain salivary glands. SYN: Giannuzzi crescents, Giannuzzi demilunes, Heidenhain crescents, Heidenhain demilunes.

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demi·lune 'dem-ē-.lün n one of the small crescentic groups of granular deeply staining zymogen-secreting cells lying between the clearer mucus-producing cells and the basement membrane in the alveoli of mixed salivary glands called also crescent of Giannuzzi

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demi·lune (demґe-ln) crescent (def. 2).

Medical dictionary. 2011.