
1. A muscle that flattens or lowers a part. 2. Anything that depresses or retards functional activity. 3. An instrument or device used to push certain structures out of the way during an operation or examination. 4. An agent that decreases blood pressure. SYN: hypotensor, vasodepressor (2). [L. de-primo, pp. -pressus, to press down]
- tongue d. an instrument with a broad flat extremity used for pressing down the tongue to facilitate examination of the oral cavity and pharynx.

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de·pres·sor di-'pres-ər n one that depresses: as
a) a muscle that draws down a part compare LEVATOR
b) a device for pressing a part down or aside see TONGUE DEPRESSOR
c) a nerve or nerve fiber that decreases the activity or the tone of the organ or part it innervates

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1. a muscle that causes lowering of part of the body. The depressor labii inferioris is a muscle that draws down and everts the lower lip.
2. a nerve that lowers blood pressure.

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de·pres·sor (de-presґər) [L., from deprimere to press down] 1. that which causes depression, as a muscle, agent, instrument, or apparatus. 2. tending to decrease blood pressure; said of nerves and chemical substances. 3. depressor nerve.

Medical dictionary. 2011.