An allergic manifestation of dermatophytosis at a site distant from that of the primary fungous infection. The lesions, usually small vesicles on the hands and/or arms, are devoid of the fungus and may become extensive, covering wide areas of the body and causing extreme discomfort to the patient. SEE ALSO: -id (1), id reaction.
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der·ma·to·phy·tid (.)dər-.mat-ə-'fīt-əd, .dər-mət- n a skin eruption associated with a fungus infection esp one considered to be due to allergic reaction
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der·ma·to·phy·tid (dur″mə-tofґĭ-tid) [dermatophyte + -id] an id reaction associated with a dermatophytosis; these are associated with various types of lesions, most often vesicles on the hands, wrists, and sides of the fingers in association with tinea pedis.Medical dictionary. 2011.