
1. A change, for the better or for the worse, in the course of a disease. 2. A general move toward a given point. 3. The measurement or estimation of any quantity or quality in scientific or laboratory investigation. 4. Discernment of a state or category ( e.g., in diagnosis). 5. A process, both necessary and sufficient, whereby an effect is caused. [L. de-termino, pp. -atus, to limit, determine, fr. terminus, a boundary]
- cell d. the process by which embryonic cells, previously undifferentiated, take on a specific developmental character. See morphogenesis, induction, evocator.
- sex d. d. of the sex of a fetus in utero by identification of fetal chromosomes.

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de·ter·mi·na·tion di-.tər-mə-'nā-shən n
1) a fixing or finding of the position, magnitude, quantity, value, or character of something: as
a) the act, process, or result of an accurate measurement
b) an identification of the taxonomic position of a plant or animal
2) the fixation of the destiny of undifferentiated embryonic tissue compare DIFFERENTIATION (2b)

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de·ter·mi·na·tion (de-turґmĭ-naґshən) establishment of the exact nature of an entity or event.

Medical dictionary. 2011.