Complete or incomplete sagittal division of the spinal cord by an osseous or fibrocartilaginous septum. [G. diastema, interval, + myelon, marrow]
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di·a·ste·ma·to·my·e·lia .dī-ə-.stē-mət-ō-mī-'ē-lē-ə, -.stem-ət- n congenital division of all or part of the spinal cord
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di·a·stem·a·to·my·elia (di″ə-stem″ə-to-mi-eґle-ə) [diastema + myelo- + -ia] a congenital anomaly, often associated with spina bifida, in which the spinal cord is split into halves by a bony spicule or fibrous band, each half being surrounded by a dural sac. Cf. myeloschisis.Medical dictionary. 2011.