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dis·or·ga·ni·za·tion or Brit dis·or·ga·ni·sa·tion (.)dis-.ȯrg-(ə-)nə-'zā-shən n psychopathological inconsistency in personality, mental functions, or overt behavior <psychotic \disorganization> <psychomotor \disorganization>
dis·or·ga·nize or Brit dis·or·ga·nise (')dis-'ȯr-gə-.nīz vt, -nized or Brit -nised; -niz·ing or Brit -nis·ing
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dis·or·gan·iza·tion (dis-or″gən-ĭ-zaґshən) the process of destruction of any organic tissue; any profound change in the tissues of an organ or structure which causes the loss of most or all of its proper characters.Medical dictionary. 2011.