
The material applied, or the application itself of material, to a wound for protection, absorbance, drainage, etc.
- adhesive absorbent d. a sterile individual d. consisting of a plain absorbent compress affixed to a film of fabric coated with a pressure-sensitive adhesive.
- antiseptic d. a sterile d. of gauze impregnated with an antiseptic.
- bolus d. SYN: tie-over d..
- dry d. dry gauze or other material applied to a wound.
- fixed d. a d. stiffened with a substance that produces immobilization when it dries.
- Lister d. the first type of antiseptic d., one of gauze impregnated with carbolic acid.
- occlusive d. a d. that hermetically seals a wound.
- pressure d. a d. by which pressure is exerted on the area covered to prevent the collection of fluids in the underlying tissues; most commonly used after skin grafting and in the treatment of burns.
- tie-over d. a d. placed over a skin graft or other sutured wound and tied on by the sutures which have been left of sufficient length for that purpose. SYN: bolus d..
- water d. an application of gauze or other material that is kept wet with sterilized water or saline solution.
- wet-to-dry d. a d. that is applied moist with saline and allowed to dry before it is removed.

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dress·ing -iŋ n a covering (as of ointment or gauze) applied to a lesion

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material applied to a wound or diseased part of the body, with or without medication, to give protection and assist healing.

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dress·ing (dresґing) 1. any of various materials for covering and protecting a wound. See also bandage. 2. the putting on of clothing.

Medical dictionary. 2011.