Expulsion; removal of waste material from the body; the getting rid of anything. [L. elimino, pp. -atus, to turn out of doors, fr. limen, threshold]
- carbon dioxide e. (VCO2) (VCO2) the rate at which carbon dioxide enters the alveolar gas from the blood, equal in the steady state to the metabolic production of carbon dioxide by tissue metabolism throughout the body; units: ml/min STPD or mmol/min.
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elim·i·na·tion i-.lim-ə-'nā-shən n
1) the act of discharging or excreting waste products or foreign substances from the body
2) eliminations pl bodily discharges including urine, feces, and vomit
3) the removal from a molecule of the constituents of a simpler molecule <ethylene is formed by the \elimination of water from ethanol>
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(in physiology) the entire process of excretion of metabolic waste products from the blood by the kidneys and urinary tract.
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elim·i·na·tion (e-lim″ĭ-naґshən) [L. eliminatio, from e out + limen threshold] 2. the act of expulsion or of extrusion, especially of expulsion from the body. See excretion, defecation, urination, and clearance. 2. omission or exclusion, as in an elimination diet.Medical dictionary. 2011.