Science of the origin and development of the organism from fertilization of the ovum to the end of the eighth week. Sometimes used to include all stages of prenatal life. [embryo- + G. logos, study]
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1) a branch of biology dealing with embryos and their development
2) the features and phenomena exhibited in the formation and development of an embryo
em·bry·o·log·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
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the study of growth and development of the embryo and fetus from fertilization of the ovum until birth.
• embryological adj.
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em·bry·ol·o·gy (em″bre-olґə-je) [embryo + -logy] the science of the origin and development of the individual from fertilization of an oocyte to the end of the embryonic and fetal periods.Medical dictionary. 2011.