
A patient's condition requiring immediate treatment. [L. e-mergo, pp. -mersus, to rise up, emerge, fr. mergo, to plunge into, dip]

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emer·gen·cy i-'mər-jən-sē n, pl -cies an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action: as
a) a sudden bodily alteration (as a ruptured appendix or surgical shock) such as is likely to require immediate medical attention
b) a usu. distressing event or condition that can often be anticipated or prepared for but seldom exactly foreseen

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emer·gen·cy (e-murґjən-se) [L. emergere to raise up] an unlooked for or sudden occurrence, often dangerous, such as an accident or an urgent or pressing need.

Medical dictionary. 2011.