
Associated encephalitis and myocarditis; often caused by a viral infection such as in poliomyelitis.

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en·ceph·a·lo·myo·car·di·tis -.mī-ə-kär-'dīt-əs n an acute febrile virus disease that affects numerous vertebrates including humans but is of serious clinical significance mostly in swine, that is caused by any of several strains of a picornavirus (genus Cardiovirus), and that in swine is characterized esp. by degeneration and inflammation of skeletal and cardiac muscle and lesions of the central nervous system

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en·ceph·a·lo·myo·car·di·tis (en-sef″ə-lo-mi″o-kahr-diґtis) a viral disease of pigs and certain nonhuman primates, caused by a cardiovirus and characterized by degenerative and inflammatory changes in skeletal and cardiac muscle, and lesions of the central nervous system resembling those of poliomyelitis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.