Inflammation of the mucous membrane of a greater or lesser extent of both small and large intestines. SYN: coloenteritis. [entero- + G. kolon, colon, + -itis, inflammation]
- antibiotic e. e. caused by oral administration of broad spectrum antibiotics, resulting from overgrowth of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci or yeasts and fungi, when the normal fecal Gram-negative organisms are suppressed, resulting in diarrhea or pseudomembranous e..
- necrotizing e. extensive ulceration and necrosis of the ileum and colon in premature infants in the neonatal period; possibly due to perinatal intestinal ischemia and bacterial invasion.
- pseudomembranous e. e. with the formation and passage of pseudomembranous material in the stools; occurs most commonly as a sequel to antibiotic therapy; caused by a necrolytic exotoxin made by Clostridium difficile. SYN: pseudomembranous colitis, pseudomembranous enteritis.
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en·tero·co·li·tis .ent-ə-rō-kə-'līt-əs n enteritis affecting both the large and small intestine
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inflammation of the colon and small intestine. See also colitis, enteritis, necrotizing enterocolitis.
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en·tero·co·li·tis (en″tər-o-ko-liґtis) [entero- + colitis] inflammation involving both the small intestine and the colon; see also enteritis and colitis.Medical dictionary. 2011.