
An extrachromosomal element (plasmid) that may either integrate into the bacterial chromosome of the host or replicate and function stably when physically separated from the chromosome. [epi- + G. soma, body (chromosome)]
- resistance-transferring episomes SYN: resistance plasmids, under plasmid.

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epi·some 'ep-ə-.sōm, -.zōm n a genetic determinant (as the DNA of some bacteriophages) that can replicate either autonomously in bacterial cytoplasm or as an integral part of their chromosomes compare PLASMID
epi·som·al .ep-ə-'sō-məl, -'zō- adj
epi·som·al·ly -mə-lē adv

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ep·i·some (epґĭ-sōm) in bacterial genetics, any accessory extrachromosomal replicating genetic element that can exist either autonomously or integrated with the chromosome, e.g., the F factor, colicinogens, and (drug) resistance transfer factor. See also plasmid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.