
1. Causing estrus in animals. 2. Having an action similar to that of an estrogen.

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es·tro·gen·ic .es-trə-'jen-ik or chiefly Brit oes·tro·gen·ic .ē-strə- adj
1) promoting estrus
2) of, relating to, caused by, or being an estrogen
es·tro·gen·i·cal·ly or chiefly Brit oes·tro·gen·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv
es·tro·gen·ic·i·ty or chiefly Brit oes·tro·gen·ic·i·ty -jə-'nis-ət-ē n, pl -ties

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es·tro·gen·ic (es-tro-jenґik) 1. producing estrus. 2. pertaining to, having the effects of, or similar to an estrogen. Called also estrogenous.

Medical dictionary. 2011.