
An anticonvulsant used in the control of absence (petit mal) epilepsy; bone marrow damage and aplastic anemia may occasionally occur.

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etho·sux·i·mide .e-(.)thō-'sək-sə-.mīd, -sə-məd n an anticonvulsant drug C7H11NO2 derived from succinic acid and used to treat epilepsy

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an anticonvulsant drug used to control epileptic seizures. It is administered by mouth; side-effects such as drowsiness, depression, and digestive disturbances may occur but are usually temporary. Trade names: Emeside, Zarontin.

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etho·sux·i·mide (eth″o-sukґsĭ-mīd) [USP] an anticonvulsant used in the treatment of seizures in absence epilepsy, administered orally.

Medical dictionary. 2011.