
A scratch mark; a linear break in the skin surface, usually covered with blood or serous crusts. [L. excorio, to skin, strip, fr. corium, skin, hide]
- neurotic e. repeated self-induced e., with or without underlying skin lesions, associated with compulsive or neurotic behavioral problems.

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ex·co·ri·a·tion (.)ek-.skōr-ē-'ā-shən, -.skȯr- n
1) the act of abrading or wearing off the skin <chafing and \excoriation of the skin>
2) a raw irritated lesion (as of the skin or a mucosal surface)
ex·co·ri·ate ek-'skōr-ē-.āt vt, -at·ed; -at·ing

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the destruction and removal of the surface of the skin or the covering of an organ by scraping, the application of a chemical, or other means.

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ex·co·ri·a·tion (eks-ko″re-aґshən) scratch (def. 3).

Medical dictionary. 2011.